My name is Paula, I am 36 years old, Brazilian, married with 2 children and currently living in London. Nice to meet you!

I’ll tell you a little bit of my background and how it led me to pottery. 

I grew up in the western side of Brazil, not Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo. It is a beautiful area, full of nature, close to the Amazon jungle. Although I lived in a big city, I spent a lot of my childhood going to the farm, joining school field trips to indigenous tribes, visiting waterfalls and travelling to the coast to go the amazing beaches in the northeast of the country. Back then, as a child, I had my first connection with ceramics, mostly painting bisque fired pieces for fun.

I moved to São Paulo when I was 16 years old and graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Belas Artes de São Paulo. I loved Architecture and Design, and still do!

Just after I graduated I came to London to spend 3 months (only!) studying English, but then love got in the way and I met my husband a few weeks after I arrived. At that time I was working in Architecture and Interior Design in the UK but I felt I wanted to “build” objects with my own hands, beyond designing on paper.

Then in 2017 I started a beginners pottery course at The Masbro Centre in west London.

My name is Paula, I am 36 years old, Brazilian, married with 2 children and currently living in London. Nice to meet you!

I’ll tell you a little bit of my background and how it led me to pottery.

I grew up in the western side of Brazil, not Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo. It is a beautiful area, full of nature, close to the Amazon jungle. Although I lived in a big city, I spent a lot of my childhood going to the farm, joining school field trips to indigenous tribes, visiting waterfalls and travelling to the coast to go the amazing beaches in the northeast of the country. Back then, as a child, I had my first connection with ceramics, mostly painting bisque fired pieces for fun.

I moved to São Paulo when I was 16 years old and graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Belas Artes de São Paulo. I loved Architecture and Design, and still do!

Just after I graduated I came to London to spend 3 months (only!) studying English, but then love got in the way and I met my husband a few weeks after I arrived. At that time I was working in Architecture and Interior Design in the UK but I felt I wanted to “build” objects with my own hands, beyond designing on paper.

Then in 2017 I started a beginners pottery course at The Masbro Centre in west London.

In 2018 my husband and I moved to Singapore, and I started a wheel throwing course at The Potters’ Guilt. It was there that I got to know pottery more profoundly.

We travelled a lot around Asia and I did some workshops in Taiwan as well as visiting ceramic centres/locations in South Korea, Bali, Hong Kong…

In 2019 I had my first child and took a break from pottery. Three months after my first one was born, I got pregnant again (the second and last child!), so the break was even longer but I managed to keep on doing some hand building here and there at home, juggling with nappies, breastfeeding, naps,  doctors’ appointments and so on.

After the second child was born then I went back to the studio. I was always rushing and trying to make the most of every minute I was in the studio. This made me salvage every piece I had made, even the ugliest and technically incorrect ones, trying to make them look nice to my eyes. Sometimes I managed it and sometimes I didn’t, but I rarely threw away a piece of work, always trying to make use of it.

As I improved in ceramics, never perfect, but always trying my best, I started very shyly selling some work under the logo “From Paula, with Love” and realised I could do it professionally combining it with other life commitments. So I registered my company and made my “public debut” at the Singapore Clay Festival at the end of 2022 just before moving back to London.

Once in London I began to adjust our family of 4 – including the 2 toddlers – to the new, cold and totally different life from Singapore. As things fell into place and life became a bit less chaotic I set-up my home studio and since then I’ve been challenging myself to meet a new, stunning and enormous ceramics market here in the UK, which is very exciting.

The colours and shapes of my pottery pieces are influenced by this background, always with a touch of Brazil!

From Paula, with Love.

In 2018 my husband and I moved to Singapore, and I started a wheel throwing course at The Potters’ Guilt. It was there that I got to know pottery more profoundly.

We travelled a lot around Asia and I did some workshops in Taiwan as well as visiting ceramic centres/locations in South Korea, Bali, Hong Kong…

In 2019 I had my first child and took a break from pottery. Three months after my first one was born, I got pregnant again (the second and last child!), so the break was even longer but I managed to keep on doing some hand building here and there at home, juggling with nappies, breastfeeding, naps,  doctors’ appointments and so on.

After the second child was born then I went back to the studio. I was always rushing and trying to make the most of every minute I was in the studio. This made me salvage every piece I had made, even the ugliest and technically incorrect ones, trying to make them look nice to my eyes. Sometimes I managed it and sometimes I didn’t, but I rarely threw away a piece of work, always trying to make use of it.

As I improved in ceramics, never perfect, but always trying my best, I started very shyly selling some work under the logo “From Paula, with Love” and realised I could do it professionally combining it with other life commitments. So I registered my company and made my “public debut” at the Singapore Clay Festival at the end of 2022 just before moving back to London.

Once in London I began to adjust our family of 4 – including the 2 toddlers – to the new, cold and totally different life from Singapore. As things fell into place and life became a bit less chaotic I set-up my home studio and since then I’ve been challenging myself to meet a new, stunning and enormous ceramics market here in the UK, which is very exciting.

The colours and shapes of my pottery pieces are influenced by this background, always with a touch of Brazil!

From Paula, with Love.

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